Teacher and writer
Anna Ferrari graduated magna cum laude in Foreign Languages and Literature, specializing in Russian and English, began teaching and took part in specialization courses abroad. Her passion for literature, for words, for writing stimulated her to continue her studies and become an independent researcher.
Professionally, she tries her hand on various fronts, always linked to books, such as writing textbooks in English and Italian. She is a literary critic, an expert in textual analysis, a reader for publishing houses, most of all forever a teacher .
In the classroom she feels at home, has a deep empathy with her students who have various times expressed their gratitude for her passion, talent and committment.
I am an artist and a teacher
In everything I do, I express my creativity and love for sharing knowledge.
I have been teaching for over twenty years, and writing since I was a kid at elementary school.
Beside institutional teaching, I give counselling about booktherapy, personal growth, how to read and to interpret texts, learning strategies and methods.
What I particularly like is giving reading advise, always hoping to find the right book for the right people, so that they can really enjoy reading books, the most rewarding activity I know.
My Fans
I am so fortunate: so many people have expressed their appreciation for my work: students, readers, pupils, people who participate at "Lettura Day". My parents, my husband, my son, his partner.
They are so kind! Yet, is exactly for this reason, to get real aknowledgment by people, that I always do my best, and even more, when I do my jobs.
My thanks from the heart!
My books
My wardrobe, library, floor, table, desk, chairs, car boot, attic, country home are full of books. English, Russian, Latin, Greek. Fiction, poetry, non fiction, literary criticism, textbooks, essays, novels, short stories, epic poems.... They can tell my life.
Beside, there are my books, the ones I have written and that give me a incommensurable joy.
My tools
Everything I must write, I write with an old black-and-green Pelikan fountain pen: programmes for school; notes about lessons, lesson plans, notes for a novel, a novel, structuring content, reports, ... It is the only way for me to keep up to my thoughts. Then, I transfer the texts into Words, obviously, but when this happens, it is already editing.
Let's learn the Cyrillic Alphabet
Here below you can have a look at the course curriculum and also preview some parts of it.
The course cosistes of four module, you can folow the lessons in complete autonomy, at your pace. Everything is explained clearly, there are lots of examples and exercises to self evalutae yourself.
You can watch the lessons as many times as you want. All the recording are original and the most mdern strategies are applied to make your learninig very smooth.
That said, take action: enroll.
I am looking forward to seeing you on the other side.